A School for the "untouchables" in Varanasi


The greatest gifts are those that come from free and genuine acts. This is Jesumiel ‘s motivation in creating a school in India for the “untouchables”: a street school integrated in a bigger educational project started at grass-roots level which involves children and adults...



Food, Earth, Universe

Planning of first Cosmic Vegan Fest


We are organising the first public display in the province of Lecce (Italy) on the following topics: food, agriculture, astronomy, health, eco-building .......

An eco-friendly village

New Superadobe homes in Varanasi


We are collecting funds for the purchase of a terrain in Varansi and then for the realisation of an eco-village using the Superadobe technique and other natural methods in order to secure shelters and homes to many homeless and « untouchables »…..

The beggar’s stall

Travelling through Salento from June


The beggar’s stall of Cosmic Community will be moving through several towns of Salento (Italy). It will represent a point of information for all the activities of the NGO, as well as a source of information for any volunteering opportunity and on the new eco-friendly techniques...







the school

by adopting the creations of

Gang Ma Style





The wonderful people we are supporting in India (that were previously “professional beggars”) can now express their creative and manual talents thanks to a new project started with the help of our volunteers. Starting from this, each of us can support the results of these creations by adopting one of these handicrafts...



We arrived to the slum, which is the place where all the children of the school live, with two wonderful volunteers. They are Franco who is an Argentinian doctor and Justa from Spain. We delivered lots of help for the children, lots of love, cures and medicines. That was an efficient job delivered twice a week! Here you can find some pictures. Thanks to Franco and Justa! The children are happy to get so much attention and start feeling better!

Namaste!!! (volunteer Jaqueline)





Cosmic Community ngo

A new organisation aiming to improve the living standards of all human beings, animals and plants of this planted and wishing to defend their rights. We promote a cosmo-centric vision where man can only survive by being in harmony with nature, by listening to natural rhythms, by protecting nature and its resources, by safeguarding earth and universe’s health....

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